Producer | Composer | Musician

Ian Stephenson is a Northumberland-based musician known for his innovative guitar playing in bands such as KAN, Baltic Crossing, Andy May Trio and many others.  As a record producer he runs Simpson Street Studios, a commercial recording studio based in Thropton at the Coquetdale Music Trust building.  As a composer he has written everything from folk tunes, through small and large classical ensemble pieces up to orchestral and operatic works, as well as arranging strings for numerous studio albums.  

Return from Helsinki - the Tune Book and Album Kickstarter Project

In 2023 Ian was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour and has very recently completed an intensive ten month course of Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy designed to keep his cancer at bay for as long as possible.  His crowdfunding project to make a book of his folk tunes and an accompanying album has so far raised over £34,000 which has given him a much needed focus and income during the long treatment, which made his usual work as a record producer all but impossible.  He is still in recovery from the treatment but is committed to living life to the fullest extent possible and still finds just enough energy to play music, compose and enjoy hobbies.

Donate or order books, CDs or downloads here  

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